New Retail Park, Prescot
A series of site investigations have been conducted on a former BICC cable site (New Retail Park Prescot) that was previously remediated in 2005 by the local council.
As part of the remediation strategy shallow ground workings were stabilised on a 4m grid across the whole site.
A large amount of buried asbestos material was also removed offsite.
Our site investigation deduced that depsite the programme of former drilling and grouting there were numerous mining related voids across the site. Therefore several new retail units will require stabilising with foundation loadings transferreed beneath worked horizons by CFA piles.
Shallow ground contamination was also found associated with heavy metals, rendering the surface scrape material as hazardous, if removed offsite to a landfill facility.
Current work includes development of a remedial strategy, material management plan and an application to the Environment Agency, for the re-use of excavated material.