Geotechnical Services
Scotland Regional Office

Earth Environmental & Geotechnical Ltd

Geotechnical Services Scotland

West Lothian, Scotland Providing Geotechnical Services for a Private Residential Property.

The Scotland Earth Environmental & Geotechnical team completing  window sampling and ground gas monitoring for a larger detached property.

Radon Surveys Scotland

The team is also providing radon surveys for properties in maximum radon potential areas throughout Scotland

Areas such as Edinburgh, Midlothian, East Lothian, West Lothian, Falkirk, East Renfrewshire, South Lanarkshire, the Highlands and Aberdeenshire are classified as “Radon Affected Areas” by the Health Protection Agency.

The radon potential maps have recently been updated and more areas have been identified at high risk of radon exposure. The maps, which can be found here identify 1km grid square of the radon potential. The updated map provides information that allows property owners, landlords and employers to make informed decisions on the benefits of undertaking radon measurements and potential remediation work. All employers, local authorities, schools and public spaces in high risk areas must complete radon risk assessments to ensure compliance to Health and Safety at Work

The Ionising Radiations Regulations 2017 (IRR17) come into effect where radon is present above the defined level of 300 Bq/m3 (as an annual average) and employers are required to take action to restrict resulting exposures. The HSE and Local Authorities are responsible for enforcing these regulations in particular types of workplace.

But understanding if your property or new development is actually at risk of Radon exposure and requires mitigation designs can only be clearly identified if the specific area or building is tested. If your property is in an at risk area it is important to understand the specific risk for your location.  The in-situ radon surveys are used to support Town Planning applications that include an assessment of whether a site is likely to be ‘Suitable for Use’ with respect to risks to future users from radon ingress if no radon mitigation measures are installed or further assessment is undertaken.

At Earth Environmental & Geotechnical we have an extensive range of Radon Survey services for radon Monitoring and Radon Detection including: in-situ measurement of radon gas activity using MARKUS 10 instruments, Radon monitoring in existing commercial and residential properties, plus we also provide Ecotrak® Radon monitoring radon soil gas. (Read More)

Updated Radon Map

Geotechnical Services Scotland Regional Office

The Scotland Regional Office, based in Edinburgh, has been involved in some interesting projects providing Geotechnical and Environmental services throughout Scotland.

Over the past month we have been working with private residential property owners supporting planning applications. The team in Scotland has completed a range of geotechnical risk assessments including phase 1 desk studies, flood risk assessments, and coal mining risk assessments.  plus radon surveys to name a few…

We have also completed extensive ground investigation services in various locations in Scotland including machine excavated trial pitsin-situ plate bearing and infiltration tests along with rotary cored boreholes, surveying, ground penetrating radar to located buried services, chemical and earthworks testing. So its been a very busy few months. If you are planning a new development and need geotechnical and environmental services Earth Environmental & Geotechnical Ltd provide a high quality, cost effective and pragmatic geotechnical, mining, geological and environmental service to our clients throughout Scotland.

South Ayrshire, Scotland Providing Geotechnical Services for a Utility Company

The Scotland Earth Environmental & Geotechnical team completing  an extensive range of ground investigation services for an interesting project in South Ayrshire

Environmental & Geotechnical Consultants Scotland


Hudson House,
8 Albany Street,

Tel: 0131 564 1789

If you are planning a new development in Scotland and need geotechnical services contact our Scotland Regional Office Email:

Tel: 0131 564 1789